luni, 24 septembrie 2012

Atlantis...another mystery unclear


Atlantis is known as the Island of Atlas.

History says that when Lemuria sank there was a reversal of the poles and Atlantis rose from the sea.

It is said that on this continent occurred rebellion Lucifer.
King of Atlantis was Toth, a spiritual masterHe inventedwriting on Earth.
He, along with Ra, the Sun King, went on a trip to Egypt andthere they built three pyramids, made ​​with the mind and heart, as legend says.
They say survivors of Atlantis fled to Egypt.
In modern times, theories about Atlantis have increased. In the last half of the nineteenth century, proposed a relationship between Aztec and Mayan civilizations andAtlantis.
In a single day and night, large earthquakes and floods havedestroyed Atlantis, sinking it into the sea. For dozens ofcenturies, is still sought. They were born about 30assumptions about the place where they at be found.

Researchers say that Snake Island in Romania would be a smallremnant of the continent of Atlantis.

Vatican says that the great flood spoken of in the OldTestament is actually the collapse of the empire of Atlantis.
Another theory says that those who disappear in the Bermuda Triangle, actually go into another dimension, and end up inthe great empire of Atlantis.

What actually happened to Atlantis, nobody knows, nor everwill be.
And it remains unclear another mystery.

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